Involvement Social responsibility is important to us. We are members of and involved in Företagarna [Swedish Federation of Business Owners], Marknadsföreningen i Göteborg [Marketing Association of Gothenburg], Nyföretagarcentrum i Sverige [Swedish Jobs and Society Foundation], Business Region Göteborg (Expedition Framåt) [Business Region Gothenburg (Expedition Forward)], Västsvenska Handelskammaren [West Sweden Chamber of Commerce], Svenskt Näringsliv [Confederation of Swedish Enterprise] and Founders Alliance. Most of these organisations serve to promote the growth of businesses in Sweden. At present, small and mid-size companies are responsible for 98% of all jobs in Sweden.
We are connected to the employer and trade organisation Almega. This means that we comply with the labour conditions established by Almega while striving to create a good working environment. For the past several years, we have been supporting UNICEF in its work to help children who are in harm's way throughout the world.
We support local athletic associations through sponsoring. |